Holy Basil
(Makes 1 quart)
3/4 cup finely chopped fresh rosemary
3/4 cup finely chopped fresh lavender
3/4 cup finely chopped fresh holy basil (tulsi)*
32 oz (1 quart) apple cider vinegar
1. Fill a glass jar with the fresh herbs. Pour the vinegar over the ingredients, filling the jar to the top with the vinegar. Make sure that the vinegar covers the ingredients by at least a couple of inches.
2. If you are using a metal lid, cover the opening of the jar with two sheets of wax/greaseproof paper, and then put the lid on or use a plastic lid.
3. Store vinegar in a cool, dark place for one month. Shake it once in a while and occasionally check to see if you need to add more vinegar, as some of the plant material may have soaked it up.
4. After 1 month, strain the fresh herbs from the vinegar. Discard the strained ingredients into the compost. The liquid left behind is your herbal vinegar. Store the vinegar in a container in a dark cabinet out of heat, light and temperature variation. It should last for about one year.
TO USE: Add ½-1 cup of this vinegar to your bath to soothe the skin and promote healing and regeneration to the body, soul and spirit. Or, take orally by sipping on 2 tbsp of this tonic before or with your meals as a restorative digestive.
*Fresh holy basil is harder to come by unless you grow it. Dry holy basil is easier to come by, or you can also substitute fresh basil (the kind you would use to make pesto)!
NOTE: you can make this herbal vinegar any time of year (even in the winter!) with dried herbs – just reduce the quantity to ¼ cup of each herb. Use the same process for storing and straining. I love using sourcing bulk dry herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs. They offer Fair Trade Certified herbs, essential oils and other products - most of which are organic!
ROSEMARY || Rosemary is known as the herb of remembrance - it assists in releasing absentmindedness, forgetfulness or hypoglycemic tendencies. Rosemary is an excellent stimulant and warming herb, it improves poor circulation, lowers cholesterol, eases muscle and rheumatism pains and treats lung congestion, sore throat and canker sores. If you've ever woken up with a bit of a foggy brain, cut a sprig of rosemary, pop into a teacup and brew with hot water for about 6-8 min. Ahhhh, release!
LAVENDER || Lavender has long been used to decrease anxiety, induce relaxation and promote sleep. It also helps with pain, wounds, burns, depression, headaches, dyspepsia and bug bites.
HOLY BASIL || Holy Basil is one of the most sacred plants in India, and is often kept in courtyards and houses for its purifying and beneficial influence on its surroundings. Know as the elixir of life, queen of herbs and Mother Nature of medicine, it promotes optimal function of the lungs and heart, bolsters the immune system, heightens awareness and promotes mental clarity. Today's plant scientists have classified Sacred Basil as an adaptogen - a substance that helps us adapt mentally and physically to stressful circumstances.
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR || AC Vinegar is excellent for extracting minerals from herbs, it helps the body's acid/alkaline balance and assists in digestion. Additionally it is particularly beneficial for health, being antibacterial and antifungal, boosting the immune system.