A word from those who've used Rooted Angel Essence Blend...
"I LOVE my Rooted Angel Essence Blend!!! It is essential for me in my daily moisturizing routine for my face. Especially due to my rather dry skin and Vata personality, my face smiles when I put it on. I find that the rich Palo Santo, Frankinsense, Bergamon, Jasmine and Sandalwood blend nourishes my skin and calms my soul. It smells great as well!! "
- Greer Jonas, Aromatherapist, Numerologist, Artist and Web Designer
"Rooted Angel Essence Blend is the perfect antidote to the daily stresses in our lives. The careful blending of palo santo, frankincense, sandalwood, bergamot and jasmine results in a calming essence that brings peace and relaxation to mind, soul and body. Whether dabbed on my wrists or temples, the effects of this lovely mix of scents help me to focus on this pleasure rather than the heaviness that comes with life. I use it at night to help me enter a place of calm and peace before turning out the light. I am grateful to Laura for offering Rooted Angel Essence Blend and hope that others will discover their own place of calm that this lovely blend uncovers."
- Anne
"I LOVE Laura's Essence Blend. I use it daily for over 2 years now on my hands, my feet, my forehead and behind my ears. I believe it helps me to be more grounded, connecting me to mother earth and infuses me with pure, healthful oils...it's just all good for me! It also has become my ritual before meetings and stressful conference calls. I just roll a drop on the inner side of my left hand, I rub my hands together, fold them to a prayer, open them up to receive, and bow my head down to receive and inhale the wonderful, peaceful scent of the Rooted Angel blend. I breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out....it totally focuses me and takes away any anxiety I might have at that moment."
- Ulli Haslacher, President, Pour Moi Beauty LLC
"I have used both Rooted Angel Essence Blend and the Skin Healer and loved them both. Laura’s products are infused with so much love and powerful healing energies—you can feel the energy just by touching and smelling both. I find the Essence Blend to be so calming and affirming. You roll it right on your skin and you get just the right amount with no worries about anything dripping or staining anything. The smell is divine and instantly comforting!"
- Amy Moss Clark, Green Consultant who teaches people how to get toxic chemicals out of their bodies and homes